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"As a law enforcement officer, my fundamental duty is to serve mankind - to safeguard lives and property,

to protect the innocent against deception, the weak against oppression or intimidation, and the peaceful against violence or disorder, and to respect the Constitutional rights of all men to liberty, equality, and justice.

I will keep my private life unsullied as an example to all;

maintain courageous calm in the face of danger, scorn, or ridicule; develop self-restraint;

and be constantly mindful of the welfare of others.  Honest in thought and deed in both my personal and official life,

I will be exemplary in obeying the laws of the land and the regulations of my department. 

Whatever I see or hear of a confidential nature or that is confided to me in my official capacity

will be kept ever secret unless revelation is necessary for the performance of my duty.

I will never act officiously or permit personal feelings, prejudices, animosities, or friendships to influence my decisions.  With no compromise for crime and with relentless prosecution of criminals, I will enforce the law courteously and appropriately without fear or favor, malice or ill will, never employing unnecessary force or violence, and never accepting gratuities.

I recognize the badge of my office as a symbol of public faith, and I accept it as a public trust to be held so long as I am true to the ethics of the police service.  I will constantly strive to achieve these objectives and ideals, dedicating myself before God to my chosen enforcement."


Washington D.C
Adopted by Council Resolution, July 21, 1959, and Amended August 23, 1979, by Council resolution


General Rule with Respect to Conflicts of Interest

Persons in the public service shall not engage in nor shall they have any interest, direct or indirect, in any business or transaction, nor incur obligation which is in substantial conflict with the proper discharge of their official duties in the public interest or which impairs their independence of judgment in the discharge of such duties.


Actions and Conduct Designed to build Public Confidence

Persons in the public service shall not only be ever conscious that public service is a public trust but also shall be impartial and devoted to the best interests of the City, and shall so act and conduct themselves, both inside and outside the City’s service, as not to give occasion for distrust of their impartiality or their devotion to the city’s best interests.



Acceptance of Favors and Gratuities

Persons in the public service shall not accept money or other consideration or favors from any other than City for the performance of an act which they would be required or expected to perform in the regular course of their duties; nor shall such persons accept any gifts, gratuities or favors of any kind which might reasonably be interpreted as an attempt to influence their actions with respect to City business.



Use of Confidential Information

Persons in the public service shall not disclose confidential information acquired by or available to them in the course of their employment with the City or use such information for speculation or personal gain.


Use of City Employment and Facilities for Private Gain

Persons in the public service shall not use, for private gain or advantage, their City time or the City’s facilities, equipment, or supplies, nor shall they use or attempt to use their position to secure unwarranted privileges or exemptions for themselves or others.



Contracts With the City

Persons in the public service shall not exercise any discretionary powers for, or make any recommendations on behalf of or to the City or any department or officer thereof with respect to any contract or sale to which the City or any department thereof is a party and in which such persons shall knowingly be directly or indirectly financially interested.



Outside Employment Impairing Service to the City

Persons in the public service shall not engage in outside employment or business activity which involves such hours of work or physical effort that it would or could be reasonably expected to substantially reduce the quality or quantity of work or interfere with such persons’ giving a full day’s labor for a full day’s pay.



Outside Employment Incompatible With Official Duties

Persons in the public service shall not engage in any outside employment which involves the performance by them of any work which will come before them as officers or employees of the City, or under their supervision, for approval or inspection; provided that nothing in this paragraph shall be taken to limit in any manner the outside employment of such persons where the interests of the City are protected under Section 222 of the Charter and ordinances adopted thereunder.



Personal Investments

Persons in the public service shall not make personal investments in enterprises which they have reason to believe may be involved in decisions or recommendations to be made by the, or under their supervision, or which will otherwise create a substantial conflict between their private interests and the public interest. If, however, persons in the public service have financial interests in matters coming before them, or before the department in which they are employed, they shall disqualify themselves from any participation therein.



Discussion of Future Employment

Persons in the Public service shall not negotiate for future employment outside the City service with any person, firm, or organization known by such persons to be dealing with the City concerning matters within such persons’ areas of responsibility or upon which they must act or make a recommendation.



Conduct with Respect to Performance on the Job

Persons in the public service shall perform their duties earnestly economically and efficiently.



Activities Incompatible With Official Duties and the
Reporting of Improper Government Activities

Persons in the public service shall not engage in any improper governmental activity or in any actions or practices which should interfere with the proper performance of the duties of others. Persons in the City service are strongly encouraged to fulfill their own moral obligations to the City by disclosing to the extent not expressly prohibited by law, improper governmental activities within their knowledge. No officer or employee of the City shall directly or indirectly use or attempt to use the authority or influence threatening, coercing, commanding, or influencing any person with the intent of interfering with that person’s duty to disclose such improper activity.




Persons in the public service shall uphold the Federal and Washington Constitutions, laws, and legal regulations of the United States, Washington D.C, and all other applicable governmental entities therein.



Equal Employment Opportunity

Persons in the public service shall not, in the performance of their service responsibilities, discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry, sex (including sexual harassment and gender identity or expression, which includes actual or perceived transgender status), sexual orientation, age, religion, creed, marital status, disability, medical condition (cancer or genetic characteristics), HIV/AIDS (acquitted or perceived) or retaliation for having filed a discrimination complaint or participating in a protected activity; and they shall cooperate in achieving the equal employment opportunity goals and objectives of the City.


The Washington D.C. Department is committed to serving the community while protecting the rights of all persons.  Consistent with this commitment, the Department's Vision, Mission, and Core Values, in concert with the Law Enforcement Code of Ethics and the Department's Management Principles, reflect the guiding philosophy of the Washington D.C. Police Department.



It is the vision of Washington D.C. Police Department to, as closely as possible, achieve a City free from crime and public disorder.



It is the mission of the Washington D.C. Department to safeguard the lives and property of the people we serve, to reduce the incidence and fear of crime, and to enhance public safety while working with diverse communities to improve their quality of life.  Our mandate is to do with honor and integrity, while at all times conducting ourselves with the highest ethical standards to maintain public confidence.



We are dedicated to enhancing public safety and reducing the fear and the incidence of crime.  People in our communities are our most important customers.  Our motto, "to protect and to serve," is not just a slogan.  It is our way of life.  We will work in partnership with the people in our communities and do our best, within the law, to solve community problems that affect public safety.  We value the great diversity of people in both our residential and business communities and serve all with equal dedication.



We have been given the honor and privilege of enforcing the law.  We must always exercise integrity in the use of the power and authority that have been given to us by the people.  Our personal and professional behavior should be a model for all to follow.  We will obey and support the letter and the spirit of the law.



We believe Washington D.C Police Department should be a leader in law enforcement.  We also believe that each individual needs to be a leader in his or her area of responsibility.  Making sure that our values become part of our day-to-day work life is our mandate.  We must each work to ensure that our co-workers, our professional colleagues, and our communities have the highest respect for Washington D.C. Police Department.



Integrity is our standard.  We are proud of our profession and will conduct ourselves in a manner that merits the respect of all people.  We will demonstrate honest, ethical behavior in all our interactions.  Our actions will match our words.  We must have the courage to stand up for our beliefs and do what is right.  Throughout the ranks, the Washington D.C. Police Department has a long history of integrity and freedom from corruption.  Upholding this proud tradition is a challenge we must all continue to meet.



Working with the Washington D.C. Police Department should be challenging and rewarding.  Our people are our most important resource.  We can best serve the many and varied needs of our communities by empowering our employees to fulfill their responsibilities with knowledge, authority, and appropriate discretion.  We encourage our people to submit ideas, we listen to their suggestions and we help them develop to their maximum potential.  We believe in treating all people with respect and dignity:  we show concern and empathy for the victims of crime and treat violators of the law with fairness and dignity.  By demonstrating respect for others, we will earn respect for the Washington D.C. Police Department.


We will strive to achieve the highest level of quality in all aspects of our work.  We can never be satisfied with the "status quo."  We must aim for continuous improvement in serving the people in our communities.  We value innovation and support creativity.  We realize that constant change is a way of life in a dynamic city like Washington, and we dedicate ourselves to proactively seek new and better ways to serve.



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